La Boina Roja

Linux, the struggles are real!

Blog Set-up

  • Domain name is hosted a NameCheap
  • Site is hosted at (something totallly different then!). I have currently the premium plan at Some of the reasons why I choose for is; they take care of hosting, security, SEO and maintenance. All I basically have to do is just blog. has it limitations but I haven’t met them yet.
  • I have a Youtube channel where I add have vids that are complementary to my posts, most of the time.
  • Screenshots are taken with Fedora KDE’s built in screenshot program called Spectacle . (It opens by just hitting PrtScr, Fedora is FREE open source software).
  • Screenshots are edited with Krita (A professional FREE and open source painting program. Works on Linux, Mac and Windows and Android devices.).
  • Screencasts are recorded with OBS (FREE and open source software for video recording and live streaming. Works on Linux, Mac and Windows.)
  • Screencasts are edited with OpenShot (A FREE and open-source video editor for Linux, Mac, and Windows.)


Disclaimer: The poor quality off anything on this blog has nothing to do with the tools mentioned above. But everything with the person (Me) who uses them to create content.