La Boina Roja

Linux, the struggles are real!

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I am in love….

Last week, I bought a box of 48 Caran D’ache Neopastels. They were expensive I had to save up, but they were worth the wait ❤ ! The moment I used one of these oil pastels, a connection was made. I could sense on a deep level how the oil pastel connected with the paper, and how the oil pastel was connected to me. I had much fun creating the following color chart, the order is based in which they come originally in the box.


When making this color chart I understood the order of the colors in the box. In a way I can’t explain, maybe one day I will.

I did use the Panda Oil Pastels I wrote earlier about, but 24 colors were not enough. Plus when I used them my “art” turned into a brownish, greyish mix of colors. Two weeks later I bought the Faber Castell set of 36 oil pastels.


And to be honest, I was shocked by the low quality of these. It was like drawing with candle sticks 😮 Bledding wasn’t blending, it was more like pushing the other color of the paper then blending. And all the crumbles that came of these sticks, it was like dropping a goddamn colorfull Weetabix 😳 Faber Castell this product is dissapointment! The only thing I liked about the set was that it consisted of 36 colors. Just perfect for someone like me.

My current set of Neopastels is 48 colors, too much for a BLAM-IN-YOUR-FACE personality like me. Being subtle has never been my thing :/ This amount of colors is also a bit overwhelming to me. I seriously considered just buying 36 colors that are based on the selection of colors that Faber Castell has. I decided against it, too much hassle.

Drawing with these Neopastels is amazing, they are so creamy and the colors are so bright ❤ ❤ ! None off the pictures I took do any of the colors justice. Also I have to get used to the softness, since I used cheaper pastels. I am used to pressing to hard, a thing that is not necessary with neopastels. Hence the several broken ones 🙄

Yes I do know about Sennelier but they don’t appeal to me. Too lipsticky and I don’t like the fact that they have a tendency to melt while using. Nah, that shit is only going to PISS ME OFF 😡

Should everyone use expensive oil pastels? I can’t say, there are talented artists who create amzing work with cheap oil pastels. Like BlackBean CMS, his favorite set is the 28 set Crayola oil pastels. Which are considerably cheaper then the Neopastel set I have ($6.99 for Crayola versus $115 for Neopastels).This is some of his work where he solely uses Crayolas.

The thing with me is, I am not talented my work will never be amazing o_O So I need all the help I can get. It is a good thing I am not scared of using the expensive stuff….

Since great content has tendency to disappear, like this brilliant vid for example. I hosted the vid by BlackBean CMS on my blog you can find it here. Remember you can always do the cliccie for a larger piccie 😛

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Caran D’ache Neopastel – Set of 48

This is the color chart I made myself (yes people, I don’t how to take pictures 🙄 ). The order of this colorchart is based on the order in which the neopastels came in the box. Same goes for the list I made in Libre Office Writer, which you can download here. Here you will find Caran D’ache‘s official color chart which contains all 96 colors. The official chart also has info about pigments and lightfastness 💡


Remember you can always do the cliccie for a larger piccie 😛

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Art has to be forgotten, beauty must be realized

After giving up on drawing decades ago, I decided to give it a go again. I ordered a sketch book and Panda Oil Pastels. Why this brand? Well many, many years ago during the class of teacher Terwiel at “De Johan de Wit School” in The Hauge, I fell in love with exactly these oil pastels. I only wanted to draw with these and not the others brands that also were avialable. I frequently used to say in class “Panda krijtjes, ik herken ze met mijn ogen dicht” . Don’t ask me what I was thinking back then 🙄

When I left the fucktards with whom I have the bad luck to share a name and dna with, I moved to a grouphome. Finally I had money to my name, and I could spent it however I wanted it ❤ One off the first things I did with my financial freedom was, buying a small sketch book and Panda Oil Pastels. These are two drawings I made back then

The one on the left is called, “The Man, The Sea and The Sun” the one on the right is unnamed. That whiteish kind of circle on “The Man, The Sea and The Sun” is me using fixation spray. As you can see that didn’t go well 😕


This is the sketchbook I used, the company still exists!

Why do I love oil pastels so much? Well, there is this roughness about them, it is like using clay on paper. Making it for me a very BLAM-IN-YOUR-FACE way to express myself 😎

I don’t like smoothness in drawings, I’ve always hated that. I also call it a dirty medium, I like how drawings get messy with oil pastels. I have absolutely have no intention (like most youtube folks seem to do) to make my drawings look like oil paintings. No, no, no you will always be able to tell I used oil pastels. Meaning you will see clear lines, the white of the paper coming through etc. etc.

That being said, I have a feeling this will not be an easy medium to master. Then again, looking back at my life, I never seem to take the easy road o_O

What I hate about the Panda Oil Pastels right now is, when I run out of a color I cannot buy a separate oil pastel (Whyyyyyyyy 😥 ) and they only sell two sets of oil pastels (a set of 12 and a set of). I have a set of 24 colors which I think is very limiting..this is the swatch card I made.


Yes I drew yesterday, no I am not going to share that with you guys 😳 Yes, I had lots of fun while drawing. And you know what, while drawing I thought “Beer can go fuck itself now”. To be honest when I wrote this post, I already started to lose interest in beer.