La Boina Roja

Linux, the struggles are real!

Thank you!

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A couple of weeks ago I was contacted through the contact form this blog, this person had intrest in buying my domain name If he had contacted me last year, any year before ever since I had this blog, I would have told him in no uncertain terms to fuck off. This year though is different, I thought about his request for weeks. Thinking how hard I worked on this blog, the broken links it would cause on other sites where this blog is referenced. After weeks of thinking what to, I handed over my domain to him for free…

So, what is different then with all the other years? One of the main driving factors in my decision was the current COL (= cost of living). Ever since 2020, slowly stories from people not being afford to live started to appear in my life. This year people who are dear to me confided in me, that making ends meet was getting harder each month. Actually, the only people I know who are doing well, are people whose parents are well off and gift their kids thousands of euros each year, helped to buy their kids a house etc. etc.

The only reason why I am doing well right now, is because I am in a kind of privileged situation, right now. However that situation will end, rather sooner then later. And I am on my own, no family, no significant other only friends who are struggling themselves. I am basically my own back up, always were and always will be, I am afraid however that being my own back up will soon not be enough.

So, I reconciled with the fact that I might not be able to afford this blog in the near future. Therefore I decided that is best, I hand my domain name over now. To someone who has a pretty good use case for it and seems friendly from what I can tell.

The plans for the blog now is, that I am going to buy another domain name and keep on blogging, I also will pay for the domain and blog as much in advance as I can.

Before money runs out, and it will, and the blog disappears. I want to say thank you to the people who read the blog, commented on it, thanked me for it, referenced it and gave me advice. You have no idea what it meant to me, to see a post I wrote being mentioned on a forum as a solution. Or someone else referring a post I wrote calling my post “an article” and making me feel like my posts matters and were things to be taken in serious consideration. I will never forget this and take the feelings with me wherever I go long after this blog disappears. Again, thank you all, thank you for everything!

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